Calcium has been used, especially for twitching during sleep.

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Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera in a liquid solution can make food digest better and behavior seems better. You take a few drops 1/2 hour before a meal to prevent leaky gut.

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Flower of Sulphur:
Flower of Sulfur is suppose to return the ph balance in the stomach to where foods are digested better. It is also a natural chelater as sulfur is in the DMAS chelation capsules. Flower of Sulfur is also used for schizophrenia by some people.

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Efalex Oil or DHA Oil:
Efalex oil or DHA oil is supposed to help heal a leaky gut although it can takefive months to work. It is supposed to help vision and fine motor particularly.
(For more information on Efalex Oil, see the Efamol: Efalex Manufacturer's Home Page.)
On DHA Oil:

Dmg Dosage Autism

'..researchers have finally now discovered that children with adrenoleukodystrophy are deficient in docasahexaenoicacid (DHA) and are conducting trials on the administration of this fatty acid derived from algae (Martek Biosciences Corporation). DHA is available in marine oils but due to the fishy taste researchers shunned using it due to difficulties with patient compliance. It is crucial that medical testing of red cell membrane fatty acids be performed so that application of therapy is specific to the individual's requirements. Children with adrenoleukodystrophy have low docasahexaenoic acid, low nervonic acid and high lignoceric acid while children with autism, seizures and brain injury also may exhibit high lignoceric acid but have high docasahexaenoic acid and high nervonic acid. Arbitrary administration of specialized fatty acids is inappropriate due to the unique patterns of fatty acid derangement in specific medical conditions.'
(Excerpted from the article, Essential Fatty Acids - Lorenzo's Oil and Beyond, ©Copyright 1997 by Patricia Kane, Ph.D.)

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Other Food Allergies:
Corn and soy seem to upset many autistic people as well. sugar, yeast and preservatives etc. are also sometimes problematic.
See these sites for information about allergy and autism connections:

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List of Articles & Information on Nutritional Therapies and Autism:
Is Autism a G-Alpha Protein Defect Reversible with Natural Vitamin A? A pediatrician discusses how vitamin A therapy can help children with autism.

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What others in the field think of Nutritional Therapies and Autism:
Vitamin B6 (and Magnesium) in the Treatment of Autism, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute

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